Thursday, August 30, 2007


I present this commercial idea to you. And believe me I'm not saying this product needs advertising other than in a doctors office.

-Opening scene-

Man and woman getting into bed and the man reaches over with the "honey ya wanna fool around?" notion. She turns to the bedside table and pulls out a bottle of the little blue pills and says, "I got you a little something today from the doctor, (he smiles wide) so dear, you can't say if you don't use it you'll lose it (his smile turns to concern). So now dear, I'll tell you when you can use it."

Close with her putting the pills back into the bedside drawer and resting her head on her pillow, closing her eyes with a sweet smile, and a look on his face of OH my goodness, this pill thing is a problem I hadn't thought about.
-Fade to dark-

Now that men have the prostate issue under more control, and those old theories of ''getting some'' on a regular basis will help you in warding off prostate problems, they come up with Viagra. Let's look outside the box here: men talk about getting it more than they actually get it, so is the little blue pill really for women? For when THEY want it and not a limper? Or the occasional man looking, stroking at his manhood in the mirror type. These commercials that show an adoring wife/girlfriend/partner gazing at their strapping man like they just can't wait to bed him are driving me nuts. Is anything sacred? I can't help going... euuuwah... do they do it everyday? Twice or three times?? Who is that couple???? It's confusing to me, because that's the message I'm getting. Sex sells? What category do these fall under? I'm no prude but when they come on the boob tube my 14 yr old gets that geeez there's that embarrassing commercial again leave the room kinda feeling. Kids never want to think their parents actually still "do it" and need not have to think about it. What are they thinking when they find that little blue pill in their parents bedroom and decide to pop one themselves to see some big results. Dangerous issue this Viagra. Knowledge is wonderful, but come on...

Is that silly look on their face secretly saying I'm so glad I'm not in a personal hygiene commercial?

Monday, August 27, 2007

Need A Moment?

Let us begin. Some TV commercials are good, some are stupid, and some are insulting. In the insulting group are some of the current crop of Twix commercials. I've linked to those I could find online.

The one that is pissing me off most shows some guy out drinking and partying with his buddies and getting home in the wee hours. His wife/girlfriend wakes up and, annoyed, asks if he is just getting home. He takes a moment with his Twix bar, then lies and says, no, he's going in to work early, and starts redressing. She says, poor baby, and he's off the hook. Nice. Lie to the bitch rather than just tell the truth. No doubt it's her fault he had to lie, after all, she's just going to make a scene, so why not take the easy way out? Why develop any integrity? Another one shows a baseball umpire flirting with two women instead of doing his job. I guess it's supposed to be funny.

Now I'll give them the fat booty commercial, that one actually is funny. She asks the impossible-to-answer-correctly question, and mumbling while chewing on his Twix bar suffices for a good answer. They've even got a slap scene from a soap opera on tv. Well done. And the laundry commercial is very cute, just the sort of situation you can imagine someone getting in, and for a change, the girl actually isn't the butt (no pun intended) of the joke. Hooray, Twix got one right. So what's up with the insulting and stupid ads? They've shown they can do better.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Starting over

Now that I more or less have the hang of this blogging thang, I'm restarting the Elbow to do what I originally had in mind - criticizing and praising various items from the media, primarily advertising and entertainment media. I've long wanted to have a place to bitch about TV commercials, and now this will be the place. Hopefully I'll get around to starting up soon.

Those following the family news should go to Twisted Sistahs.