Thursday, July 30, 2009

Kiss My Big Blue Butt

I need heroes, and in addition to Helen, I have found another. Susan DuQuesnay Bankston of Kiss My Big Blue Butt is a woman of my stripe. Or perhaps I am one of hers. Whatever. I like her style.
Thanks to Mark H. for letting us know that the Texas Board of Ignorance, errr Education, has decided that history is what they say it is ---
United Farmworkers founder César Chávez is an unfitting role model for students, and former Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall is not an appropriate historical figure. So say “expert reviewers” in their report to the Texas State Board of Education, which recommends removing the two U.S. leaders from the social studies curriculum taught to its 4.7 million public school students.
I don't know what the big deal is here. I mean, if you let little minority kids know that they, too, can make a difference in the world, then the next thing you know, they'll start thinking they can be President or something.  This dangerous trend must be stopped.

Check her out.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Margaret and Helen

This is without a doubt my new favorite blog to read. Margaret and Helen are thoughtful, opinionated, brave, and old enough to not give a crap what anyone thinks of them. I hope Michelle Obama reads their blog. Helen does most of the posting and Margaret drops in her two cents, but what a pair they are! They are fabulous.

On Sarah Palin's resignation:
Margaret, I watched Sarah Palin’s resignation speech and all I have to say is, “What the hell was that?” My God that woman is an idiot. I have said this before, but I feel the need to say it again. Her problems did not come because the media was against her. Her problems come because every time you stick a microphone in front of her mouth a whole lot of stupid falls out.

Things are getting tough and once again she is trying to hide behind that dysfunctional family of hers. She actually stood there and talked about how the Palins had a family meeting and everyone agreed it was time for her to step down as Governor. Well, I call bullshit. The only family meetings the Palins have usually involve someone peeing on an early pregnancy test stick...
I read them and feel like I've found my political doppelgangers. I mean it. Really.