Saturday, March 29, 2008

American Express

No video that I can find, but this commercial has been around for a while and I'm certain you will recognize it. It's all about how to use your Gold Points.

It is in three parts. The first part starts off with a young man from AmEx saying, "I love this one..." He goes on to describe a man trying to buy his fiancée an engagement ring, only to be humiliated when his credit card is rejected. Then his fiancée tells him to get an AmEx card. But the AmEx employee loves this one? Huh?

Part two is ok, a man uses his points to get advance tickets to the concert of the year. Fine.

Part three isn't as blatantly ignorant as part one, but it isn't very good. Is it really so romantic to fly to Italy just to order tiramisu, a very ordinary dessert that can be had at most Italian restaurants in the US?

I guess AmEx is now shooting for a part of the Visa/MC crowd, those folks who never could qualify for an AmEx card in the past. I wonder how deeply invested AmEx is in foreclosing on people's homes...

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


If anyone in Washington had the balls Chelsea Clinton has, I'd vote for them.

The question as asked wasn't very good and wasn't well worded. Let's assume the questioner was talking about the "vast right-wing conspiracy" comment. In fact, let's revisit a few moments of that whole mess. Was Bill cheating? I'd say yes, but at the time, I decided to do an informal poll and was astonished that most, maybe 75-80%, of the people I asked did not consider oral sex as cheating. Only ONE guy thought it even counted as sex, and therefore cheating. Funny how nobody on the Republican side of the aisle jumped up and down with moral outrage when Ahnuld publicly proclaimed "eatin' ain't cheatin'". And by my small sample, most people agree with him - oral sex is not intercourse, so it isn't really having sex. Then there are the Spitzerites that think as long as it's sex with a prostitute and there is no emotional involvement, it isn't cheating. I wonder how many married/attached men rationalize their behavior with that same, ahem, reasoning. So, with that in mind, did Bill Clinton actually lie under oath? I'd bet if his name was Scooter Libby or George W. Bush, the answer would be NO. Actually, in that case, the question would never have been asked.

Back to Hillary. At the time she made the "vast right-wing conspiracy" comment, she didn't know about Bill's infidelity. He did not have sex with that woman; that was his story and he was sticking to it. So Hillary, like lord only knows how many wives before and since, chose to believe him, then chose to defend him. And for this her credibility is damaged? Was that the question?

Leads me to think that the questioner is just another conservative prick who expects a wife to put out and shut up.