Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Guess who's coming to the White House?

Barack Obama is the President-elect and on January 20, 2009, will become the US's 44th President.

OMG, run for your lives! The scary black people are taking over, white women will be rounded up and forced to have abortions, five-year-olds will be sold as sex slaves, we're going to be bombed back into the stone ages by terrorists, you will be forced to have socialized medicine and your taxes are going to wipe you out!!

Seriously, only the most brainwashed conservatives really believe this country is going to be destroyed. If Shrub couldn't do it, it cannot be done. Period.

Remember how the conservatives were screaming that they had a mandate four years ago? Think they'll recognize one when they see it? I don't.

Speaking of Shrub, let's not forget he's still got a couple months to screw us over. Remember the brouhaha over Bill Clinton's pardons? Let's see what GWB has up his sleeve. He still has time to take away even more of our Constitutional rights, decimate environmental policy and pass tax breaks for his already wealthy friends. I hope Obama has somebody keeping track of the details.

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