Saturday, December 6, 2008

Holiday break

This is a busy season and while I have a few tv commercials in my thoughts, I’m just not in the mood to write it all up. I will sometime.

The economy sucks, as most of us have known for a couple years, but finally the Bushies are using the R word — yes, we are officially in a recession, as of LAST DECEMBER. No shit. Over half a million jobs were lost in November 2008 alone, and the statistics aren’t even telling the whole story.

The big three auto companies are crying for help, as their CEO’s fly to DC in their separate private jets with tin cups outstretched. I say let ’em fail or merge. Chrysler paid back their big loan last time, but none of the big companies in the US have a Lee Iacocca at the helm now. They aren’t even asking for loans, they want bailouts with no strings attached. Chrysler isn’t even a publicly owned company anymore, why should the taxpayers give them one red cent? The top of the food chain is populated by selfish wastrels who don’t give a crap about anyone but themselves.

Now we wait to see how it is all Bill Clinton’s fault.

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