Friday, May 1, 2009

Limburger conservatives

Christine Todd Whitman
"...we need to provide a compelling counterpoint to the Obama administration’s tax-spend-and-borrow policies…"

Michael Steele
"Well, if spending the hard-earned dollars of the American people and redistributing their wealth and moving towards a collectivist socialist approach to government, if that helps you realize you're a Democrat, then, you know, good riddance."

Was the Kool-Aid that good for the last eight years? The *Democrats* are about big government? Have you not been paying attention, or is it only bad when it's not your guy? Do you have any idea what the deficit is now (vs. what it was when the Shrub took office)? Tax-spend-and-borrow?? Who mortgaged our great-grandchildren to China?? Increased taxes on the American people? Since when do you care about taxes unless they affect the top 1% of income earners? btw, have you figured out yet that Obama is talking about raising taxes letting the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy expire, and increasing the capital gains tax for families making over $250K from 15% to 20%, which is less than the 28% tax on capital gains under your hero, Reagan? Activist judges? Can you say Patriot Act?

Financially, conservatism is a joke. It's all about the very few haves increasing their holdings at the expense of the have-not-so-much, while conning them into believing they have a shot at joining the uber-wealthy. It's about a two class system, the top 1% who have everything and control everything, and the rest of the schmucks who scrape and serve.

And now poor Rush is apoplectic over the carved-in-stone eventuality of having a disabled, black, gay, pregnant teenage girl appointed, all because Obama had the audacity to say (two years ago) that it would not be a terrible thing to have someone who had empathy for people other than their pals.

1 comment:

anhaga said...

That's right. It is bad when you talk about our guy. Our guy is good, so when he does it, whatever he does, ergo ipso facto, it's good. But your guy is a pinko, stinko, raving jihadi queen. No wonder everything he does comes out looking bad, even when it's good.