Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Kohler gets one right, or even two

Wow, time flies.

I've been seeing a great Kohler commercial, one that is a sharp contrast to the loser I've already posted about. This one is clever, funny, and not offensive to anyone.

A plumber has just finished installed a new shower in someone's home. Of course, he needs to test it out before he can say it's good to go, and so he does. The thing is, you have no idea until the punchline that the man enjoying the shower (which is pretty amazing), listening to opera, is the plumber. You find this out when he walks out to the living room and tells the homeowners, "That should do it. Enjoy your new shower." He's dripping wet and still tucking in his shirt. Good stuff.

Now here is one you might expect me to take offense at - the burned hair advert. Yet another commercial playing the dumb blonde card? No, not quite. This woman is shown to be a person of some influence and power within her company, yet she is so enthralled with her new bathroom faucet, she burns her hair off. Again, funny without being offensive.

Then there are the genius commercials they do in other languages. I just love the French philosophical spy advert. It doesn't hurt that they are driving my dream car, a Goddess. One man is waxing pop-psychological and the other gets frustrated and tells him to knock it off ... until he sees the toilet. Why not do this type of ad in English and run it here? Come to think of it, that might be the most insulting thing Kohler does.

1 comment:

Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

I stumbled upon this as I'm the actor in the shower...

Glad you liked it!