Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Presidential Ads, Take-two

That raving liberal Bill Maher has a new hero - Ron Paul. And why not? Of all the Republican candidates, Paul is the one who makes the most sense and seems the most interested in representing the American people instead of himself. TV commercials are sound bites, carefully edited and produced for Americans with extremely short attention spans. Whoever is doing these ads for Ron Paul is good. Paul appears less pandering than anyone running from either party, with the possible exception of Mike Gravel, who has no slick advertising campaign and gets no publicity whatsoever.

I don't agree with all of Paul's positions, but I agree with more than folks might think. I especially like that, at least so far, he isn't mincing words. Somewhere between Paul and Gravel is my ideal candidate. I wonder if there is any way to get these two to run on the same ticket...


Key Dear said...

You must be registered 29 days before a vote in the state of Florida. Massachusetts is 20 days. I am currently registered as a Republican and for the primary, really feel my vote will be for Ron Paul. I had considered changing to Democrat for this coming primary.... it's been a real struggle for me!! The big money always gets in and I weigh were my vote will really mean something! I am one of those flip flop Americans who feel, depending on where you are, a primary can be the most crucial vote you cast.

web wabbit said...

In Taxachusetts, your vote pretty much doesn't count except in the primary, and not much then. Right now I'm registered as a Democrat (I wanted to be able to cast an anti-Hillary vote). Ron Paul has a better shot at getting some votes than Gravel, who will get my vote if I don't switch parties.

anhaga said...

Hi, I'm back, for now. I still void TC commercials like plaque on my few remaining teeth. But I try to follow a little of what's happening in the primary fray. I'm pretty liberal with a lot of my notions about levelling the playing field for all citizens, but I took a survey recently -- choose how one feels about the following issues, right? So reluctantly I did. The point it seems was to associate my proclivities with the most suitable candidate. It turned out to be Mike Gravel. I had never seriously considered him. Still the survey failed to p'ose my number one issue for candidates. IE: let's get campaign financing out of politics. Let's get career politicians the hell out of office and protect us from corporate and other big bucks lobbies. Let's start THERE to fix this busted fuggedabout the Constitution failed one-time aspiring democratic republic.

web wabbit said...

Exactly my position as well. I have an idea about how to get the career politicians out of Congress - eliminate their pensions and free healthcare. So many of them whine about "socialized medicine", but they don't seem to have a problem with it when it's for their benefit.